In order to stimulate exchange and to identify transferable practices and methods, technical seminars on ECVET implementation are being organised for the pilot projects of the 1st and 2nd generation two or three times a year.
The first seminar offered the pilot projects the possibility to get to know each other and to establish a sound basis for collaboration and to present the ECVET pilot projects within the broader framework of the ECVET testing and development phase.The following seminars are dedicated to specific technical themes related to the ECVET implementation. All themes have been jointly agreed by the ECVET pilot projects during the first seminar, taking into account their needs, expectations and progress.
In agreement with the pilot projects the themes are regularly published on this web-site.
After each seminar, a report is produced. It summarises the key issues discussed during the seminar, the approaches described by the projects and other participants and the lessons learnt for the implementation of ECVET.
The next ECVET Pilot Projects Seminar will take place on 22-23 October 2012 in Berlin.