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Website archived May 2024
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Designing units of learning outcomes
ECVET Conversion Manual
Project Name/Author: VET-CCS project in Malta
Date Posted: 22 October 2013
Description: A Manual for the conversion of qualifications and training courses to ECVET - output of the VET-CCS project in Malta.
ICARE Analysis of Existing Methodological Approaches for the Application of ECVET at the National, Regional, and Sectoral Level
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document assesses a number of European and national ECVET projects and describes their approaches, in order to focus on the most promising ones for the ICARE project. The analysis of existing ECVET projects has been carried out by exploiting four different kinds of data sources: 1) ECVET Pilot Projects (11 projects) 2) DECVET Projects – DECVET is a German national experimentation, linked with ECVET but with a stronger focus on labour market flexibility (10 projects) 3) Other projects implementing ECVET approaches (7 projects) 4) Official EU documents and studies on ECVET. The projects have been analysed according to four phases of development. The study has described each phase in detail: 1) Preliminary phase 2) Preparation phase 3) Implementation phase 4) Final phase. For each of the four phases, the tools developed by the projects have also been analysed and described extensively: 1) Competence Matrix and Memorandum of Understanding 2) Competence Profile, often in the form of a Learning Agreement 3) Learning Units 4) Assessment grids. The projects have been assessed according to two main criteria, plus one: 1) The achievement in implementing Learning Outcomes 2) The relevance of their methodologies and tools for the ICARE project 3) Similarities and differences.
2get1care - example of a unit of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: 2get1care
Date Posted: 26 February 2013
Description: This document presents the interdisciplinary unit "communication and interaction in teams" of the 2get1care project.
Description of units of learning outcomes - lifelong learning
Project Name/Author: Karin Luomi-Messerer and Daniela Uličná
Date Posted: 25 January 2013
Description: The document provides guidelines for describing units of learning outcomes in the context of using ECVET for lifelong learning. The guidelines are underpinned by examples of the 2nd generation ECVET pilot projects.
AEROVET comparison of the learning units with the NQFs, regulations and qualifications
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document compares the AEROVET learning units with the national qualifications frameworks, regulations and qualifications in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Synthesis and Portraits of the 11 pilot projects (2008-2011) - strengths and lessons learnt
Project Name/Author: All projects
Date Posted: 27 April 2012
Description: This document contains a thematic analysis of the work of the 11 pilot projects and short portrait of each of the projects. The thematic analysis discusses lessons learnt from the pilot projects on all aspects of ECVET technical specifications. The short portraits present particular strengths and lessons learnt of each of the project results.
Guidelines for describing units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: National ECVET Coordination Point Germany
Date Posted: 17 February 2012
Description: These guidelines are intended to support stakeholders in vocational education and training in Germany in applying the learning outcomes-oriented ECVET approach. They should facilitate cooperation of partner institutions organising transnational mobility action. The guidelines are based, on the one hand, on the terms defined in the ECVET recommendation and the joint European principles which are to be tested ("technical specifications") as well as on practical experience gained in mobility and innovation transfer projects. The information and examples provided in the guidelines are intended as an advice which can contribute towards the development of a joint understanding of learning outcomes orientation in vocational education and training.
OPIR Descripition of the qualifications and units concerned by the project OPIR
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document contains the compilation of: - qualification descriptions that the project OPIR worked with - comparison of these qualifications across the partner countries - elaborated units of learning outcomes; - assessment grids
OPIR Guidelines to design and describe units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the OPIR methodology to design and describe units of learning outcomes. It focuses on the method used. It is in French.
NETWORK - Grid to compare modules and units
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This grid is a tool to compare information about modules of training with units of learning outcomes. It enables to compare the qualification requirements with the taught curriculum/activities. It was used by the project to test the extent to which learning outcomes defines at national level were present in the curricula.
NETWORK - Operational guidelines for construction of units
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the NETWORK methodology for describing learning outcomes and constructing units. It also discusses the use of ECVET points in this context.
CAPE-SV Methodological guide
Project Name/Author: CAPE-SV
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This guide describes the methodology developed by the project CAPE-SV to describe learning outcomes, to assess their transferability as well as for their validation and recognition. A section is dedicated to the use of ECVET points. It also dicsusses the specificities of qualifications and professions in the sector of performance arts.
OPIR Final Report
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 08 July 2011
Description: This is the final report on the outcomes of the OPIR project, running from March 2009 to February 2011 with seven European partners, coordinated by the French Community in Belgium. At its core, OPIR aimed at an increase of transparency of certifications by revealing the common elements of those qualifications. These common elements are “learning units” on which the mobility of those learning should depend on. To experiment with the validity of the model developed within the frame of the project, the partners organised mobility periods for trainees in two different trades (hairdresser and “automatician”, short for automated manufacturing systems technician). The report contains a description of the metholdologies implemented, the outcomes of the project and the lessons learnt.
Credchem methodology to define units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: Credchem
Date Posted: 11 February 2011
Description: This document contains an explanation of the method to identify units based on working tasks and to identify the knowldge, skills and competence that the VET systems should enable learners to develop in order to be able to carry out these tasks.
ASSET description of a unit 4 - Engine Emissions in Petrol and Diesel Engines
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Engine Emissions in Petrol and Diesel Engines.
ASSET description of a unit 3 - Wheel Alignment
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Wheel alignment.
ASSET description of a unit 2 - Injection and Ingnition Systems in Petrol Engines
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Injection and Ingnition Systems in Petrol Engines.
ASSET description of a unit 1 - Vehicle Stability Management Systems
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Vehicle Stability Management Systems.
The ECVET pilot projects' guidelines on units of learning outcomes for geographical mobility
Project Name/Author: All ecvet pilot projects in 2009-2010
Date Posted: 10 June 2010
Description: The 11 ECVET pilot projects have worked together in a seminar that took place in November 2009 on designing common guidelines to define and describe units of learning outcomes that will suit the purposes of transnational geographical mobility.
VQTS model to describe work-based competences
Project Name/Author: VQTS
Date Posted: 29 January 2010
Description: The VQTS project has developed an approach to comparing outcomes of qualifications from different VET systems based on a competence matrix. It also enables to map a person against a competence profile to identify what they have already achieved. The core elements of the VQTS model are the Competence Matrix and Competence Profiles. These tools can serve as basis to identify areas across qualifications where credit can be transferred. They can also be used as basis to define units of learning outcomes. This apparoch is further described in the VQTS manual.
ECVET Questions and Answers
Project Name/Author: European Commission
Date Posted: 11 November 2009
Description: The ECVET questions and answers document provides further explanation of ECVET concepts and principles and their possible application. It complements the ECVET Recommendation which sets the basis of ECVET. The doucment contains sections on use of learning outcomes, units, ECVET points and the transfer and accumulation process. It illustrates these concepts with some examples. It also contains a section on the roles and functions of different competent institutions in implementing ECVET.