Website archived May 2024

Memorandum of Understanding

MoU developed by the project COLOR
Project Name/Author: COLOR
Date Posted: 27 March 2014
Description: To stabilise the partnership, the project developed a Memorandum of Understanding which was signed by all partners.

Template for Memorandum of Understanding
Project Name/Author: European Commission
Date Posted: 22 October 2013
Description: The ECVET User's Group has prepared a template for Memorandum of Understanding that can be used by VET-Providers in the context of learner's mobility.

ICARE Memorandum Of Understanding Template 2: Job Service/VET provider
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is intended to be an agreement between job services and VET agencies providing training for the qualifications taken into account by the ICARE project, and aiming to set the framework for credit transfer. The MoU formalises the ECVET partnership by stating the mutual acceptance of the procedures for assessing competences coherently with the I CARE model. The MoU can be signed either by a network of competent institutions (job services, VET agencies) from different countries, or on a bilateral basis.

ICARE Memorandum Of Understanding Template 1: VET provider/VET provider
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is intended to be an agreement between VET agencies providing training for the qualifications taken into account by the ICARE project, and aiming to set the framework for credit transfer. The MoU formalises the ECVET partnership by stating the mutual acceptance of the procedures for assessing competences coherently with the I CARE model. The MoU can be signed either by a network of competent institutions (VET agencies) from different countries, or on a bilateral basis.

ICARE Synthesis of Data: Assessment of Transparency of the Qualifications Concerned and Identification of the Most Suitable Methodological Approach
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document describes how the particular features of the ICARE project affect the ECVET framework. The analysis of existing methodological approaches brought to light many important suggestions to develop an ECVET project satisfactorily, nevertheless the ICARE project must reshape some ECVET tools in order to achieve its main tasks. The paper is composed of four sections: 1) Final list of professional profiles included in the ICARE project 2) Description of the ICARE methodological approach 3) Description of ICARE main phases 4) Temporary grids of common competence areas shared by partner countries

ICARE Analysis of Existing Methodological Approaches for the Application of ECVET at the National, Regional, and Sectoral Level
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document assesses a number of European and national ECVET projects and describes their approaches, in order to focus on the most promising ones for the ICARE project. The analysis of existing ECVET projects has been carried out by exploiting four different kinds of data sources: 1) ECVET Pilot Projects (11 projects) 2) DECVET Projects – DECVET is a German national experimentation, linked with ECVET but with a stronger focus on labour market flexibility (10 projects) 3) Other projects implementing ECVET approaches (7 projects) 4) Official EU documents and studies on ECVET. The projects have been analysed according to four phases of development. The study has described each phase in detail: 1) Preliminary phase 2) Preparation phase 3) Implementation phase 4) Final phase. For each of the four phases, the tools developed by the projects have also been analysed and described extensively: 1) Competence Matrix and Memorandum of Understanding 2) Competence Profile, often in the form of a Learning Agreement 3) Learning Units 4) Assessment grids. The projects have been assessed according to two main criteria, plus one: 1) The achievement in implementing Learning Outcomes 2) The relevance of their methodologies and tools for the ICARE project 3) Similarities and differences.

M.O.T.O Memorandum of Understanding between Austria and Italy
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: Example of a completed Memorandum of Understanding dealing with the cook/waiter profile between Austria and Italy.

AEROVET MoU on the revision of training occupations in aviation technology
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: Example of a completed Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding - Proposal at a glance
Project Name/Author: CO.L.O.R Project
Date Posted: 26 October 2012
Description: The document gives an overview on how the project envisages to draft a Memorandum of Understanding that enables to create a mutual trust area and formalise the commitment of the competent authorities to implement ECVET beyond the project duration.

OPIR Learning agreements and Memoranda of Understanding
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This powerpoint presentation presents the role of Memoranada of Understanding and Learning Agreements in using ECVET. It is in french

M.O.T.O completed example of MoU
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 25 July 2011
Description: You can find here a completed example of an MoU that was developed and used for mobility in the sector of tourism between Finland and Iceland.

Note on documents used to underpin ECVET processes
Project Name/Author: Pilot Projects Summary
Date Posted: 19 April 2011
Description: This note presents the synthesis of the discussion on Memoranda of Understanding (MoU), Learning Agreements (LA) and Learners’ Transcript of Record that took place between the ECVET pilot projects during their sixth seminar in Prague on 18-19 November 2011. It is based on a comparison of the document templates and completed examples prepared and used by the pilot projects.

AEROVET Memorandum of Understanding
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document is a draft template for an MoU developed by the Aerovet project.

OPIR Example of a Completed MoU
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document gives an example of a completed MoU developed and used in a concrete mobility experience by the OPIR porject between Belgium (French speaking community) and Romania. The document is in French

ASSET Model of a Memorandum of Understanding
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: The template of the MoU used by the project ASSET. You can find more explanation about the preparation and signatures of this document in the article about ASSET porject in the 3rd issue of the ECVET Magazine (January 2011).

Memorandum of Understanding VQTS
Project Name/Author: VQTS
Date Posted: 29 January 2010
Description: The VQTS project has developed a model of Memorandum of Understanding which contains the following main sections: - General objectives of the MoU - Period of eligibility of the MoU - Information about the partners - Information about the training programme(s) or qualification(s) concerned (including Competence Profile Certificate[s] of the Organisational Profile(s)) - General agreement on the relevant part(s) of competence development during international training periods - Agreement on Responsibilities - Quality assurance - Assessment - Updating the Competence Profile Certificate - Validation and recognition of results