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Quality assurance
Title Project Name/Author Description Date Posted
Quality Charter for the training centres in the Recomfor network Recomfor The project Recomfor has designed a quality charter for training centres which will host mobile learners in the framework of mobility leading to recognition of credit. The quality charter is organised around these main themes: transparency of training organisation; transparency of assessment organisation; quality assurance; relationship with the actors from the labour market; support and guidance provided to learners during the mobility period 07/04/10
Quality Charter for companies in the Recomfor network Recomfor The project Recomfor has designed a quality charter for companies which will provide training for mobile learners in the framework of mobility leading to recognition of credit. The charter insists on aspects such as:the tailoring of training to the level of the student received; the cooperation with VET providers; the existence of assessment. 07/04/10

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