Information Gathering Exercise
The publication "Information Gathering Exercise: Quality assurance procedures in the processes of certification, curricula setting, accreditation and training of trainers in European VET systems" is now available.
The information gathering exercise explores the quality assurance mechanisms that underlie certification, qualification, accreditation of VET providers, curriculum setting and training of trainers/ teachers in Member States, in order to increase transparency, mutual trust and exchange of information on practices within and across Member States.
In this context, the purpose of this “exercise” is to:
- provide an overview analysis, a snapshot of the state of a VET system at a particular point in time, in the form of a matrix, in order to explore the quality assurance mechanisms that underlie some VET procedures among Member States;
- increase transparency and mutual understanding of very diverse systems and processes, offering an overview of methodologies based on common references in the quality assurance process in VET across Europe;
- foster mutual trust and exchange of information on practices within and across Member States.
This information is intended to support the implementation of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET Framework) in the Member States and to support the decision making process at European and national levels.
The main topics analysed in this exercise are:
- the certification (assessment, validation and recognition) and qualifications processes in national VET systems;
- curriculum setting and the implementation of programmes in national VET systems;
- the accreditation of VET providers;
- the training processes for trainers/teachers in national VET systems.
To download the "Information Gathering Exercise" click here.
Date Published: 01 September 2012