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Analysis and overview of NQF developments in European countries. Annual report 2012 Final publication of DECVET inititiative Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe - CEDEFOP report MENECVET Final conference ICARE project final conference C.O.L.O.R Final conference ECVET Mobility Guide - 2012 Update EQAVET-ECVET-EQF Joint Seminar Information Gathering Exercise Survey on awareness of ECVET among German VET-providers 3rd Annual ECVET Forum: 30 May - 1 June 2012 in Brussels Second report on 'The development of ECVET in Europe' Brochure with results of 2008-2011 ECVET pilot projects now available Geographical Mobility in Vocational Education and Training: Guidelines for describing units of learning outcomes NETECVET network Final Conference of the German ECVET-Pilot Projects Final Conference of ECVET Pilot Projects 2008-2011 on 22-23 February in Brussels New EQF-Note on the use of learning outcomes New issue of ECVET Magazine can be downloaded ECVET Mobility Guide ECVET Questions and Answers Cedefop publication: The development of ECVET in Europe Updated Cedefop mapping of qualifications frameworks development in Europe Web-site of the ECVET Team EQF Newsletter Publication: Cedefop (2010) Linking credit systems and qualifications frameworks An international comparative analysis From credit systems to permeability in education and training News from French speaking community of Belgium A new call for proposal to support national projects to test and develop ECVET ECVET Questions and Answers National Qualifications Frameworks development in Europe Over 100 ECVET Pilot Projects Conference on “Qualifications for lifelong learning and employability” Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 5 and 6 October 2009 Workshop on “Sectoral dynamics and European Qualifications Framework” Brussels, 5 and 6 November 2009 Europass, ECVET and EQF for documentation, validation and certification of learning outcomes ECVET recommendation adopted by the Council Political launching conference on ECVET First seminar for ECVET pilot projects Terminology of European education and training policy ECVET in the Copenhagen process


Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe - CEDEFOP report

This is Cedefop's third analysis of developments in ECVET in the period from June 2011 to September 2012 in 32 countries. This working paper is based on analysis of policy and research documents and the results of 44 interviews conducted between August and October 2012, gathering views of more than 70 experts and members of the ECVET users’ group. 
It shows that whilst many countries are well on their way to implementing ECVET, credit transfer is still not an integral part of vocational education and training systems. Moreover, there is still work to be done on making all common European tools - the European Qualifications Framework, quality assurance mechanisms and lifelong guidance, as well as ECVET - work as a seamless whole.

Date Published: 09 April 2013