26 months
General approach/description of the project
The CO.L.O.R. (COmpetency and Learning Outcomes Recognition for migrants) project aims at satisfying specific labour market requirements related to competency valorisation and learning outcome recognition for migrants. Failure to recognize migrants’ work experience and learning outcomes not only makes it difficult for employers to appreciate what migrants can offer, but also leads to a unused potential of work force and the de-valorisation of competences.
CO.L.O.R. will put ECVET mechanisms into practice to achieve:
- adapted and tested qualifications (in terms of LO) - on the basis of shared and tested transferable methods;
- defined assessment, validation and recognition processes;
- testing activities (including a repertory of case studies) to assess the transferability of the recognition processes in a cross-sectoral dimension;
- A Memorandum of Understanding on ECVET-related issues among the Italian Regions involved aimed at promoting a wider use of the project results and transfer of its results into mainstream policies.
The project will help to develop a framework for the effective valorisation and implementation of follow-up activities, secure the availability of tools, document results in technical journals, etc. The project will also support institutions (competent bodies) to adopt and apply the ECVET specifications within their systems.
Furthermore, the project will help to create innovative and concrete opportunities of Learning Outcome recognition. It aims at transferring the developed approach to other sectors/context/levels, while at the same time ensuring coherence with the overall system. The commitment of the competent ECVET institutions involved in the project will maximise its impact at regional and national level.
Target group
CO.L.O.R. focuses on migrants with qualifications in two specific sectors: healthcare and construction, and on 11 qualifications (based on both national and regional standards) at EQF level 3, which represents the "basic" level of qualifications (the first "achievement" in terms of competency) to enter the Italian labour market.
The project will publish an ECVET information kit, including successful practices to the different target groups.
A final dissemination event on national level will be held in April 2013.
Transfer And Accumulation
Transfer and accumulation of one or more units related to specific qualifications between Italian regions (formalising achieved learning outcomes) is aimed at. A learning outcome transfer process (Evaluation, validation, accumulation and recognition) will be designed or adapted, mechanisms will be empirically developed.
A functional device (matrix) is aimed at, that will permit the transfer, validation and recognition of LO with special attention to the organisational process, functions, tools and necessary procedures. The process will be tested; a quality assurance plan will be developed.
Units of learning outcomes
The CO.L.O.R project, with the support of ISFOL (National Research Institute on VET); addresses primarily five Italian Regions (Campania, Latium, Piedmont and Tuscany, as well as Basilicata as associated partner). The competent authorities in the field of assessment and recognition of qualifications have committed to pilot test ECVET-oriented mechanisms in the construction and healthcare sectors. CO.L.O.R aims at building two ‘frameworks’ of Units of learning outcomes, one in each sector. These frameworks will have to function within the requirements at national level, while at the same time complying with ECVET technical specifications. The final aim is to build units that are transferable to facilitate the mobility of workers and the formal recognition of competences acquired through experience.
ECVET Points
The identified qualifications will be identified and structured in units of Learning Outcomes, applying the most suitable approach of allocating points and credits to both qualifications and units.
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
One of the key objectives of the project is to establish a stable network of regional authorities. So far the project has been successful in launching this networking process via a range of web-tools and meetings at local and (trans-)national level. The Calabria Region has joined the partnership, and the Lombardy Region (I CARE Project) has taken part in a web-based learning exchange. For the construction sector and the health sector, background analysis reports and reports on qualifications have been produced to help stakeholders understand the extent to which the different systems are compatible with ECVET. In the Construction sector, a Working Group has been established. In that sector, the definition of units of learning outcomes can build on the inputs from two different sources:
- The description of the qualification of construction operator as it is included in the National Repertory of VET qualifications;
- The repertory of competence units developed by Formedil (not related to formal qualification standards).
To ensure sustainability beyond the project life cycle, a close cooperation of the partners is aimed at. A Memorandum of Understanding will be developed to formalise the partnership. Networking activities will be undertaken to disseminate the results in other Italian regions, promote shared decision-making and other initiatives for the ECVET national implementation in Italy.
Lead Partner:
ARLAS, Agenzia Regionale per il Lavoro e l’Istruzione
ISFOL, Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori
ARLAS and ISFOL will act as technical bodies, coordinating and supporting all project activities.
Regional partners:
- Regione Campania (represented by ARLAS), IT
- Regione Lazio, IT
- Regione Piemonte, IT
- Regione Toscana, IT
- Regione Basilicata (IT): associated partner
The Regional Agencies’ active involvement, alongside the Regions, will facilitate the successful implementation of ECVET processes. All participating Regions have conducted previous studies in the specific domain and have identified qualifications in the relevant sectors. As competent bodies awarding qualifications, Regions will introduce significant changes in their policies, towards the adoption of an LO approach and a concrete ECVET application at national level.Regional stakeholders – well beyond the members of the partnership – will be involved in the national network implemented to share the results achieved within the project.
International partners
- Centrul National de dezvoltare a invatamantului profesional si tehnic, RO
- Scottish credit and qualifications framework partnership, UK
- Kunsill Malti Ghall-Kwalifiki, MT
The transnational partnership will provide expert advice as consultants and observers.
Lead organisation contact details
Team Manager
Pasquale DiMarzo
Centro Direzionale di Napoli
E. Porzio Isola C/5
Naples 80143, IT
Phone ++ 39-0817968740
Fax ++ 39-0817968508
Team Manager
Antonella Attanasio
Final Project Report
Memorandum of Understanding developed by the project
MoU at a glance - Overview on projects view on ECVET related documentation
Definition process of ECVET Units of LO - Sector: Construction Pilot Qualification: Construction Worker
Project presentation on assessment as held at Rome seminar 26 April 2012
C.O.L.O.R. project fiche