36 months
General approach/description of the project
With effect from the academic year 2010-11, the Minister for Compulsory Education and Social Mobility will commence a pilot scheme for ‘qualification by units’ (CPU) in secondary education. The principal objective of the CPU-Europe project will be to support the experimental implementation of ECVET. In particular, the objectives of the CPU project are:
- To combat failure and repetition of years at school by proposing a structure for vocational training founded on the culture of ‘recognition of learning’ rather than on the culture of ‘punishment of failure’;
- To attract more young people to vocational training by offering them concrete training pathways they can commit to; enhancing motivation and foster the process of taking control of the own learning pathway;
- To propose a qualification structure compatible with education objectives and lifelong learning, notably the implementation of the EQF and ECVET.
The CPU unit will manage the CPU and CPU-Europe projects, undertaking secretarial roles for the work of a Belgian steering group and coordinating the action of different working groups (WG): One WG per vocational sector; one WG to research the regulatory provisions to be amended; one WG to analyse the organisational and educational consequences of implementing ECVET.
Target group
The project aims a large number of VET-students in Belgium-fr:
- The implementation of the new qualifications will take place in ca. 180 secondary schools in the French-speaking community of Belgium (concerning about 4000 students);
- in the same number of schools a shift to new, competence-oriented approaches will take place;
- it is also aimed at to have trained staff in these schools that is able to work with the new approach.
Five qualifications in three sectors will be covered (motor vehicles, hospitality-catering and beauty therapy).
To make ECVET work, there is a need for the support of different target groups: Teachers/school directors, employers/professionals, parents and students. A communication/dissemination plan will be developed for every one of these target groups and their specific needs.
The project will publish:
- Certification profiles with competence standards and educational standards with assessment standards;
- Site CPU: New pedagogical and administrative tools (student’s personal learning portfolio, Units’ certificate, CPU-Europass, Schools’ plan of implementation);
- Reports of study visits in partners’ countries.
The final national dissemination event will take place in January/February 2014.
Transfer And Accumulation
Certification by units in order to valorise achievements (Progressively accumulating learning /Changing the pathway and qualification within the same qualification system)
Units of learning outcomes
The project developed a new approach embedding knowledge, skills and competences in a progressive spiral-like manner: The units to achieve at the beginning of the pathway combine the basic knowledge, skills and competence. As learners make progress, more complexity is required and the basic learning outcomes are further developed. At the end of the pathway learners have to demonstrate that they are capable to combine the different learning outcomes by carrying out complex tasks and activities. The CPU approach is tested in two manners:
- 39 VET schools (out of 85 that prepare for these qualifications) put in place the units and use VET programmes which are linked to units, without however changing the certification process at this stage (this will be done as of 2012);
- Other schools are familiarising themselves with this new approach and are developing the VET programmes they will put in place as from the upcoming academic year (2012-2013).
Assessment is undertaken progressively. The final unit of a given qualification integrates knowledge, skills and competence that are complex and require higher levels of autonomy in a complex assessment. Structuring qualifications in units will help to diversify profiles by adding optional units.
However, the definition of units of learning outcomes in Belgium-fr now has is in the responsibility of the Professions and qualification standards service; (Service Francophone des Métiers et des Qualifications). The qualification standards for all VET- providers is now undertaken on regional level (French-speaking community of Belgium), which makes mobility between providers much easier.
ECVET Points
Methods to assigning points have also been previously developed.
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
The CPU-Europe project will support the CPU project in various ways:
- by providing funding to employ staff to form part of the CPU unit who will be responsible specifically for incorporating the European dimension of the project and ensuring the future transparency of our EQF system vis-à-vis the other systems for qualification by units created in Europe;
- by providing continuous training of staff in the unit: by study visits to the offices of each of the project’s partners and analysis of partners' documents (implementation of mechanisms for qualification by units, business reference systems);
- by supporting the European monitoring committee which will provide an external perspective on the project; and high level expert experience (knowledge of the technical specifications of ECVET and experience relating the implementation of a mechanism for learning by units).
Lead Partner:
Communaute Francaise de Belgique – Centre de Coordination et de Gestion
International Partners:
- Ministere de l’education national et de la formation professionelle, LU
- Centre international d’etudes pedagogiques, FR
- Direccio General d’ensenyaments professionals, artistiques i especialitzas, ES
- Centrul National de dezvoltare a invatamantului profesional si tehnic, RO
- Association nationale pour la formation automobile (Rhone-Alpes), FR
The project will support the responsible ministry in its efforts to implement ECVET. The international partners will take part in partnership meetings and will provide feedback and support to the development and adaptation of methods, tools and instruments.
Lead organisation contact details
Rue Adophe Lavallé 1
Phone: ++ 32 2/690,84,31
Fax: ++ 32 2 690,85,98
Maryse Descamps
Final Project Report
Consult article on the projects' first results and lessons learned in the 13th issue of the ECVET magazine
Qualification Profile for hairdresser as defined by CPU
Project presentation on assessment as held at Rome seminar 26 April 2012
Consult article on the projects' approach in the 7th issue of the ECVET magazine