about ECVET
Website archived May 2024
Tool Box
Describing qualifications
Allocation of ECVET points
Designing units of learning outcomes
The roles of ECVET competent institutions
Memorandum of Understanding
Learning Agreement
Quality assurance
Project Final Report
Validation and recognition
Comparing qualifications
Good Practices
Describing qualifications
ICARE The Vocational Qualifications Description in Relation to the ECVET Framework
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document describes the path followed by the ICARE project for the development of the competence matrices. Matrices have been elaborated starting from three elements: 1. Analysis of existing methodological approaches 2. Analysis of Italian background 3. Matrices improvement with partners
ICARE Synthesis of Data: Assessment of Transparency of the Qualifications Concerned and Identification of the Most Suitable Methodological Approach
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document describes how the particular features of the ICARE project affect the ECVET framework. The analysis of existing methodological approaches brought to light many important suggestions to develop an ECVET project satisfactorily, nevertheless the ICARE project must reshape some ECVET tools in order to achieve its main tasks. The paper is composed of four sections: 1) Final list of professional profiles included in the ICARE project 2) Description of the ICARE methodological approach 3) Description of ICARE main phases 4) Temporary grids of common competence areas shared by partner countries
ICARE Identification of Qualifications Relating to Personal Care and Social Work in Partner Countries
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This report is the first result of the ICARE project activities and it is aimed at serving as a descriptive basis to be used as a common reference framework in subsequent project stages. It presents: the rationale and objectives of the project, including a brief description of the seven vocational qualifications included in the qualification subsystem of Social Services and Personal Care of the Regional Framework for Professional Profiles (QRSP) of the Lombardy Region, which are the basis of the experimentation; An analysis the contexts and challenges to the development of ECVET in project partner countries; An analysis of national qualification systems in project partner countries and the methodology applied by partners in order to identify similar or equivalent profiles; A complete description of each professional profile according to the different national VET systems.
2get1care - example of a unit of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: 2get1care
Date Posted: 26 February 2013
Description: This document presents the interdisciplinary unit "communication and interaction in teams" of the 2get1care project.
NETWORK chart to connect modules with units and LOs in Slovenia
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: This document presents a chart to connect the modules with the units and the learning outcomes of the "Gastronomy and Tourism" training path in Slovenia as well as a draft comparative chart of training path modules in the 4 partner countries.
NETWORK chart to connect modules with units and LOs in Italy
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: This document presents a chart to connect the modules with the units and the learning outcomes of the "Tecnico superiore assistenza alla direzione di strutture ricettive" training path in Italy as well as a draft comparative chart of training path modules in the 4 partner countries.
NETWORK chart to connect modules with units and LOs in Portugal
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: This document presents a chart to connect the modules with the units and the learning outcomes of the "Head Receptionist" training path in Portugal as well as a draft comparative chart of training path modules in the 4 partner countries.
NETWORK chart to connect modules with units and LOs in Slovenia
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: This document presents a chart to connect the modules with the units and the learning outcomes of the "Gastronomy and Tourism" training path in Slovenia as well as a draft comparative chart of training path modules in the 4 partner countries.
M.O.T.O background analysis of qualifications
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document provides background information on the qualifications in the 4 partner countries.
AEROVET mobility pass
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This documents presents the Mobility Pass for the "Aeronautical engineering level 3; aircraft manufacture electrical pathway" training programme. It contains short descriptions of the mobility units and assessment grids.
AEROVET comparison of the learning units with the NQFs, regulations and qualifications
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document compares the AEROVET learning units with the national qualifications frameworks, regulations and qualifications in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Synthesis and Portraits of the 11 pilot projects (2008-2011) - strengths and lessons learnt
Project Name/Author: All projects
Date Posted: 27 April 2012
Description: This document contains a thematic analysis of the work of the 11 pilot projects and short portrait of each of the projects. The thematic analysis discusses lessons learnt from the pilot projects on all aspects of ECVET technical specifications. The short portraits present particular strengths and lessons learnt of each of the project results.
OPIR Descripition of the qualifications and units concerned by the project OPIR
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document contains the compilation of: - qualification descriptions that the project OPIR worked with - comparison of these qualifications across the partner countries - elaborated units of learning outcomes; - assessment grids
NETWORK - Grid to compare qualifications in a transnational context
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the NETWORK porject methodology to compare qualifications using learning outcomes between different countries. It presents the completed grid for comparing qualifications using learning outcomes of qualifications for receptionist.
M.O.T.O Description of the Icelandic qualification of chef
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document shows the description of the Icelandic qualification of chef in key activities and learning outcomes following the MOTO grid.
M.O.T.O description of the Finnish qualification in tourism industry
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document shows the description of the Finnish qualification in tourism industry using the M.O.T.O grid.
M.O.T.O description of the Finnish qualification of cook
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the use of the MOTO template to describe qualifications in key activities and learning outcomes for the qualification of cook in Finland.
M.O.T.O Description of the italian qualification cook
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document shows the use of the MOTO template to describe qualifications in terms of units and learning outcomes on the italian qualification of cook.
M.O.T.O Desctiption of the Italian qualification of enogastronomy chef
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document shows the description of the Italian qualification of enogastronomy chef in key activities and learning outcomes. It shows how the grid designed by the M.O.T.O project can be completed.
M.O.T.O Description of the Austrian qualification of cook
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document shows the description of the Austrian qualification of cook in key activities and learning outcomes. It shows how the grid designed by the project can be completed.
CAPE-SV Methodological guide
Project Name/Author: CAPE-SV
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This guide describes the methodology developed by the project CAPE-SV to describe learning outcomes, to assess their transferability as well as for their validation and recognition. A section is dedicated to the use of ECVET points. It also dicsusses the specificities of qualifications and professions in the sector of performance arts.
EASY Metal: Unit of learning outcomes for basic qualification in meta
Project Name/Author: EASYMetal
Date Posted: 05 October 2011
Description: The document contains the first Unit of Learning Outcomes described by the EASY Metal Project (DE) concerns the basics of manual metal processing using simple machine production techniques. The unit is composed of several sequences of a complete work task including information and planning, execution of the task, control and evaluation. All sequences are described in learning outcomes; references to the EQF-dimensions (KSC) are mentioned.
BE-TWIN Methodological Guide
Project Name/Author: BE-TWIN
Date Posted: 29 August 2011
Description: The Be-TWIN project has developed a methodological guide that facilitates mutual recognition of credit between vocational education and training (using the ECVET principles) and higher education (using ECTS). The Guide first discusses the methodological differences between the two instruments and then proposes a method for comparing ECVET and ECTS by matching learning outcomes and learning activities.
Credchem methodology to define units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: Credchem
Date Posted: 11 February 2011
Description: This document contains an explanation of the method to identify units based on working tasks and to identify the knowldge, skills and competence that the VET systems should enable learners to develop in order to be able to carry out these tasks.
ASSET description of a unit 4 - Engine Emissions in Petrol and Diesel Engines
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Engine Emissions in Petrol and Diesel Engines.
ASSET description of a unit 3 - Wheel Alignment
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Wheel alignment.
ASSET description of a unit 2 - Injection and Ingnition Systems in Petrol Engines
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Injection and Ingnition Systems in Petrol Engines.
ASSET description of a unit 1 - Vehicle Stability Management Systems
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 13 January 2011
Description: This document provides the description of one of the Units that can be used for mobility exchanges among the ASSET partners. The units are parts of qualifications preparing for the profession of car electrician electronics technician. This document describes the unit: Vehicle Stability Management Systems.
Grid for analysing qualifications
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 10 June 2010
Description: The M.O.T.O project developed a simple grid that can be used to facilitate description of qualifications in view of developing a learning agreement. The model of a learning agreement developed by this project can also be found in this tool box.
VQTS model to describe work-based competences
Project Name/Author: VQTS
Date Posted: 29 January 2010
Description: The VQTS project has developed an approach to comparing outcomes of qualifications from different VET systems based on a competence matrix. It also enables to map a person against a competence profile to identify what they have already achieved. The core elements of the VQTS model are the Competence Matrix and Competence Profiles. These tools can serve as basis to identify areas across qualifications where credit can be transferred. They can also be used as basis to define units of learning outcomes. This apparoch is further described in the VQTS manual.
ECVET Questions and Answers
Project Name/Author: European Commission
Date Posted: 11 November 2009
Description: The ECVET questions and answers document provides further explanation of ECVET concepts and principles and their possible application. It complements the ECVET Recommendation which sets the basis of ECVET. The doucment contains sections on use of learning outcomes, units, ECVET points and the transfer and accumulation process. It illustrates these concepts with some examples. It also contains a section on the roles and functions of different competent institutions in implementing ECVET.
Cominter approach to design a common reference qualification
Project Name/Author: Cominter
Date Posted: 09 October 2009
Description: This document presents the approach of the project Cominter (which preceded the Recomfor project) to design a common reference qualification for an import export sales assistant. The approach is based on defining a reference profile in terms of key activities and describing these in terms of knowledge, skills and competence. The result is a structure of reference units that can be adapted, following certain rules, to the national qualifications in participating countries.
Sme Master - Manual for describing qualifications in units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: SME Master
Date Posted: 09 October 2009
Description: This manual presents the approach of the SME Master project to describe the qualification of a Master Baker in terms of units of learning outcomes. It contains the learning outcomes matrix of this qualification as well as the description of the apparoch to allocate ECVET points as used in SME Master.