about ECVET
Website archived May 2024
Tool Box
Describing qualifications
Allocation of ECVET points
Designing units of learning outcomes
The roles of ECVET competent institutions
Memorandum of Understanding
Learning Agreement
Quality assurance
Project Final Report
Validation and recognition
Comparing qualifications
Good Practices
Validation and recognition
M.O.T.O Icelandic certificate supplement for the travel consultant qualification
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: Example of a certificate supplement for the travel consultant qualification
M.O.T.O Finnish certificate supplement for the waiter/waitress qualification
Project Name/Author: M.O.T.O
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: Example of a certificate supplement for the waiter/waitress qualification
AEROVET testing of the material developed within a period of transnational mobility
Project Name/Author: AEROVET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document summarises the results of the testing of the material developed within a period of transnational mobility for apprentices.
Synthesis and Portraits of the 11 pilot projects (2008-2011) - strengths and lessons learnt
Project Name/Author: All projects
Date Posted: 27 April 2012
Description: This document contains a thematic analysis of the work of the 11 pilot projects and short portrait of each of the projects. The thematic analysis discusses lessons learnt from the pilot projects on all aspects of ECVET technical specifications. The short portraits present particular strengths and lessons learnt of each of the project results.
OPIR Description of testing ECVET during mobility periods
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents information about mobility periods carried out in the framework of the OPOR project and the use of ECVET in thier context. It discusses how the unit descriptions were used, how learners were assessed abroad and how their achievements were assessed. It also discusses the feedback received from these mobility experiences.
ASSET Results of mobility testing
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the results of the field testing - thorugh learners' mobility - of ECVET ASSET tools.