Website archived May 2024

Allocation of ECVET points

ICARE Assignment of ECVET Points to Relevant Qualifications
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document presents the methodology for allocating ECVET points to units and professions in the ICARE project.

ICARE Synthesis of Data: Assessment of Transparency of the Qualifications Concerned and Identification of the Most Suitable Methodological Approach
Project Name/Author: ICARE
Date Posted: 09 April 2013
Description: This document describes how the particular features of the ICARE project affect the ECVET framework. The analysis of existing methodological approaches brought to light many important suggestions to develop an ECVET project satisfactorily, nevertheless the ICARE project must reshape some ECVET tools in order to achieve its main tasks. The paper is composed of four sections: 1) Final list of professional profiles included in the ICARE project 2) Description of the ICARE methodological approach 3) Description of ICARE main phases 4) Temporary grids of common competence areas shared by partner countries

NETWORK outline of credits points and guidelines for learning outcomes evaluation
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Description: This document provides a descriptive outline for the attribution of credit points for the various training pathways in the tourism welcoming sector and guidelines for the verification and evaluation of learning outcomes.

ASSET credit points allocation in Romania
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document presents the credit points allocation in Romania for the 4 units. It shows the volume in hours for each activity, training module and competence.

ASSET credit points allocation in Hungary
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document presents the credit points allocation in Hungary for the 4 units. It shows the volume in hours for each activity, training module and competence.

ASSET credit points allocation in France
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document presents the credit points allocation in France for the 4 units. It shows the volume in hours for each activity, training module and competence.

ASSET credit points allocation in Finland
Project Name/Author: ASSET
Date Posted: 07 November 2012
Description: This document presents the credit points allocation in Finland for the 4 units. It shows the volume in hours for each activity, training module and competence.

Synthesis and Portraits of the 11 pilot projects (2008-2011) - strengths and lessons learnt
Project Name/Author: All projects
Date Posted: 27 April 2012
Description: This document contains a thematic analysis of the work of the 11 pilot projects and short portrait of each of the projects. The thematic analysis discusses lessons learnt from the pilot projects on all aspects of ECVET technical specifications. The short portraits present particular strengths and lessons learnt of each of the project results.

OPIR - The role of ECVET points
Project Name/Author: OPIR
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This power point presentation shows how the role of ECVET points is understood in the project OPIR and how these were allocated.

NETWORK - Operational guidelines for construction of units
Project Name/Author: NETWORK
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This document presents the NETWORK methodology for describing learning outcomes and constructing units. It also discusses the use of ECVET points in this context.

CAPE-SV Methodological guide
Project Name/Author: CAPE-SV
Date Posted: 27 January 2012
Description: This guide describes the methodology developed by the project CAPE-SV to describe learning outcomes, to assess their transferability as well as for their validation and recognition. A section is dedicated to the use of ECVET points. It also dicsusses the specificities of qualifications and professions in the sector of performance arts.

ECVET Questions and Answers
Project Name/Author: European Commission
Date Posted: 11 November 2009
Description: The ECVET questions and answers document provides further explanation of ECVET concepts and principles and their possible application. It complements the ECVET Recommendation which sets the basis of ECVET. The doucment contains sections on use of learning outcomes, units, ECVET points and the transfer and accumulation process. It illustrates these concepts with some examples. It also contains a section on the roles and functions of different competent institutions in implementing ECVET.

Cominter approach to design a common reference qualification
Project Name/Author: Cominter
Date Posted: 09 October 2009
Description: This document presents the approach of the project Cominter (which preceded the Recomfor project) to design a common reference qualification for an import export sales assistant. The approach is based on defining a reference profile in terms of key activities and describing these in terms of knowledge, skills and competence. The result is a structure of reference units that can be adapted, following certain rules, to the national qualifications in participating countries.

Sme Master - Manual for describing qualifications in units of learning outcomes
Project Name/Author: SME Master
Date Posted: 09 October 2009
Description: This manual presents the approach of the SME Master project to describe the qualification of a Master Baker in terms of units of learning outcomes. It contains the learning outcomes matrix of this qualification as well as the description of the apparoch to allocate ECVET points as used in SME Master.