36 months
General approach/description of the project
The aim of the ‘2get1care’ project is to test the European credit system for vocational education and training in health care professions in the German Region of North Rhine-Westphalia. A European partnership will develop an approach for making qualification components transferable across national borders and across professions. In the long term, the project aims to support the implementation of ECVET in health care professions.
The operative framework for the test will be provided by: a scientifically evaluated adaptation of the training curricula of four health care professions (occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and geriatric care) to ECVET standards; the development of a common core curriculum; and a further training concept based on ECVET principles for teaching staff, i.e. with a focus on learning outcomes.
The expected outcome comprises:
- the adaptation of training curricula of four professions to ECVET;
- a common core curriculum;
- a new training curriculum for continuing education of trainers;
- the evaluation of results, based on international exchange and feedback;
- a sustainable national and transnational partnership and a European expert network for the implementation of ECVET in health care professions.
The partnership will facilitate the exchange of experience and innovation in relation to the introduction of ECVET in the health care sector. Furthermore, it will support the application of the products developed in the project and provide input and feedback on product development, in order that the transnational transferability of the project outcomes is assured. The project also intends to gain experience and develop conclusions that will assist in the introduction of ECVET to professions outside the health care sector, and to make these conclusions and experiences available for other projects, settings and sectors.
Target group
The target groups are students of speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and geriatric care as well as trainers of the four specifications.
The project will develop a core curriculum and a training curriculum for teaching staff in the healthcare professions according to ECVET principles. The project will evaluate and disseminate its products and results, involving the competent authorities. The following activities are foreseen:
- Online platform for exchange between partners
- Project fiche
- Project website
The final dissemination event of the project is planned for November 2013.
Transfer And Accumulation
The definition of units common to different health care qualifications and transparent descriptions can support (national and transnational) credit transfer and permeability from VET to higher education. However, there are limitations in the use of ECVET due to the following reasons:
- Horizontal mobility: There are restrictions on credit transfer and shortening of training programmes due to specific regulations in the field of healthcare professions.
- Vertical mobility (permeability): There are certain permeability arrangements already in place (such as accreditation of VET programmes by higher education institutions), and only up to 50% of non-academic prior learning is recognised in higher education programmes.
Units of learning outcomes
In an initial step, the project described the training curricula of four health care professions (occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and geriatric care) in units of learning outcomes (structured as knowledge, skills and competence). Furthermore, a common core curriculum for these professions was developed alongside a further training concept for teachers, both which were based on ECVET principles. Units of learning outcomes are seen as ‘training components’ (components of curricula) and are developed for
- The training curricula of four health care professions (occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and geriatric care);
- A common core curriculum for these professions;
- A further training course for teachers for enhancing their competences in relation to learning outcomes orientation and competence based teaching and learning.
The structures of the current curricula were used to identifying units of learning outcomes. To identify the components of the common core curriculum the recommended training regulations and the legal basis for the occupations were both analysed. Common as well as specific elements of the four health care professions were defined. The common learning areas were used to design units of learning outcomes. The common core curriculum forms only a small part of each of the four training programmes and not all parts of it can be found in all four training programmes, some are only relevant for two or three of them.
The development of the curriculum of the training course for teaching staff is based on: existing training courses (of which some are already described in terms of learning outcomes); on interviews with teachers and headmasters; and discussions with training providers; and finally on the objectives defined in the 2get1care project. The most important issues were selected by experts and were then defined as units of learning outcomes and allocated to six learning fields.
From the perspective of health professions, the formulation of clear learning outcomes (specifying the level of complexity and the context in which an action is carried out) is the clearest and most direct added value of ECVET. Learning outcomes can be used as a reference point for both the design of adequate assessment and for teaching and learning methods thus enhancing the quality of education and training in this professional field.
ECVET Points
ECVET points are currently not allocated to units. But the 2get1care partners determined that they could be calculated based on hours of workload in order to ensure comparability with ECTS (1 ECVET point = 30 hours of student workload).
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
Formal agreements, such as MoU or LA, are unnecessary in the 2get1care project for several reasons. The project is set in an already existing partnership, the curricula and the common core curriculum are offered by the same institution, and there are other arrangements for supporting permeability from VET to HE (accreditation of VET schools by HE institutions). ECVET related documents could, however, be useful if new partners were to become involved in the project, although this not a scenario which is currently anticipated. If new partners were to join the project, the suggestion was made that the documents developed within the CREDCHEM project (http://www.ecvet-info.de/_media/CREDCHEM_Partnerschaftsvertrag_deutsch.pdf) could be a useful resource.
Lead Partner:
Berufsfortbildungswerk des DGB GmbH (DE)
National Partners:
- Fachhochschule Osnabrueck (University of applied sciences, DE)
- Fachhochschule Bielefeld (University of applied sciences, DE)
The national partners are responsible for project management, adaptation of training curricula in four healthcare specialisations to ECVET, for, the development of a common core curriculum and a further training programme. They will pilot the curricula, evaluate the results and undertake dissemination activities.
International partners:
- KTP – Spolecnost pro kvalifikaci na trhu prace (Association for Qualification at the Labour Market, CZ);
- Institut fuer Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft (Institute for Research on Qualifications and Training of the Austrian Economy, AT);
- GYEMSZI - Gyógyszerészeti és Egészségügyi Minoség- és Szervezetfejlesztési Intézet (National Institute for Quality- and Organizational Development in Healthcare and Medicines, HU).
The international partners (AT, CZ, HU) are experts in questions regarding ECVET, as well as in the development of curricula and interprofessional training in the health care sector. They will provide feedback to the developing process in workshop meetings and exchange ideas with the national partners throughout the project. They are also involved in the dissemination of the project results.
Lead organisation contact details
Lead organisation contact details
Hauptstrasse 25
DE - 69117 Heidelberg
Phone:+49 6221 50 257 46
Fax: +49 6221 50 257 44
[email protected]
Final Project Report
Consult the article on the project 2get1care in the Discussion Paper on ECVET published by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Learning outcomes for core curriculum
Consult article on the projects' first results and lessons learned in the 13th issue of the ECVET magazine
2get1care Flyer in english
Consult article on the projects' approach in the 7th issue of the ECVET magazine