36 months
General approach/description of the project
The objective of this project is to use ECVET principles or credit accumulation and transfer in the performing arts sector in order to secure staff career pathways and to ensure that credit gained can be internationally recognised.
The project defined common learning outcomes for technicians and administrative personnel of the sector. Using the ECVET principles, these were grouped into units of learning outcomes. The common units of learning outcomes are based on an analysis of existing national qualifications. It is envisaged that units and qualifications can be achieved both through formal training (initial or continuous) and through validation of non-formal and informal learning.
A common grid for assessment and validation wasl developed and made applicable to the different national qualifications concerned. It wasl accompanied by methodological guidelines for the assessment.
An important aspect of the approach used by the CAPE-SV project is that of peer review. It was planned to form transnational juries to test and validate the assessment grid throughout the duration of the project. A procedure and a mobility programme is aimed at, that will include the terms of a trans-national agreement of recognition between partners.
Target group
Young people in initial training; adults in ongoing training and retraining; professionals
The final conference of the project has been held on December 9 in Prague.
The partners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding regulating their further cooperation; they will continue working together and try and facilitate mobility among students in their faculties.
Transfer And Accumulation
The project partners in this partnership are all competent authorities with important levels of autonomy with regard to validating and recognising learning outcomes. Consequently, they are the main institutions who ultimately decide on learners’ transfer or credit.
Units of learning outcomes
The project CAPE-SV is not developing common units of learning outcomes. The basis of their approach is to develop tools to enable the project partners to describe the content of their qualifications in a transparent manner using learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are to be grouped according to stages of the production process in the performance arts industry: planning, designing, implementing, evaluating.
For this purpose the project has developed a grid through which the project partners can describe their qualifications or their parts using some common categories. The grid describes the learning outcomes using a colour code which reflects the different components of a learning outcomes description (active verb, object, context, etc.).
The project involved practitioners from the field in designing this grid and in validating that it was feasible and understandable.
The above mentioned grid should also contain information about the evidence that learners are expected to have about the achievement of given learning outcomes in case they seek recognition of qualifications or credit among the partner institutions.
ECVET Points
The ECVET Points in the project are closely related to the duration of learning activities be it contact time or practical learning.
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
Project promoter:
CFPTS, (Centre de Formation Professionnelle aux Techniques du Spectacle, Vocational Training Centre for Performing Arts Techniques), France
DAMU (Divadelni Fakulta Akademie Muzickych v Praze), Czech Republic
Institut del Teatre de la Deputacio de Barcelona, Spain
STAFF (Spectacle et Technique Association Française de Formation), France
ISTS (Institut Supérieur des Techniques du Spectacle), France
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala, Italy
Rose Bruford College, United Kingdom
Lead organisation contact details
Mrs Sophie Dunoyer de Segonzac: [email protected]
CAPE-SV Methodological Guide (english)
CAPE-SV Methodological Guide (english)
Final Report
Consult article on the projects results in the 6th issue of the ECVET Magazine
Consult CAPE-SV methodological guide here
Presentation on project approach and results as held on final conference 9 December 2011 in Prague
Consult the CAPE-SV presentation on their approach to testing ECVET as made during the 4th pilot projects seminar in February 2010
Consult the presentation of CAPE-SV project approach to building partnership for credit transfer
Consult the description of the CAPE-SV project in the first issue of the ECVET Bulletin, p.7