24 months
General approach/description of the project
A high number of personal care and social workers are currently mobile across Europe. In most cases, they do not hold specific or equivalent qualifications. It is hardly achievable for them to get the competences they gained in other contexts (countries, institutions or systems) and learning settings (formal, non-formal, or informal ways of learning) recognized. Apart from those regulated professions for which a specific recognition framework already exists (2005/36/EC), a lack of common methodologies and frameworks for evaluation, transfer, validation and recognition of learning outcomes has to be stated. Related flexible training solutions are also rare. This situation delays the full labour market integration of migrant and prevents the development of human capital.
An experimental application of the ECVET system for the establishment of a recognition model in the field of personal care will be undertaken. The aim is to establish a mutual trust area among partner countries and further develop mutual recognition of training and qualifications. The I CARE project develops a set of objectives which mainly focus on the adaptation of an already existing regional system of vocational qualifications in the specific sector in coherence with the ECVET framework.
The main impact envisaged concerns the transparency of the qualification system underlying personal care and social work services, as well as the improvement of co-operation among partner countries. Testing and development of relevant tools for a steady application of ECVET principles and specifications will take place.
More information and services are available on the I CARE project website, which includes project outcomes/results, news and updates on activities, information on partners, and an Info Centre collecting background and development materials in the field of ECVET.
Target group
The I CARE project targets are those interested in the development of flexible training solutions, in facilitating mobility and access to work, in addressing the need for qualified professionals in the care and social sector and increased transparency of workers’ competences and qualifications (VET providers, labour market services and organisations in the field, social partners and authorities).
The following activities are foreseen:
- Web-platform in English: http://www.icareproject.eu/index.html
- Awareness raising activities (targeted at stakeholders and end-users)
- 6 or more electronic project newsletters in English: http://www.icareproject.eu/pages/news/newsletter.html
- One seminar/workshop in every participating country
In additon, the project will publish a set of methodological guidelines along with assessment tools and templates for ECVET documentation (i.e. MoU).
The final event of the project will take place in Bergamo (IT) in March 2013.
Transfer And Accumulation
The project aims at the recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal, informal) by agreeing on common learning outcomes and common assessment methods (changing the pathway and qualification within the same qualification system, formalising achieved learning outcomes, progressing or upgrading a qualification)
In order to establish a recognition model among the partners a testing phase was launched. The testing/piloting phase is currently taking place in Germany for the Family Assistant, Care Operator and Socio-Assistance Assistant profiles; in Poland for the Dental Assistant and Baby Sitter profiles; in Romania for the Care Operator and Family Assistant profiles. Based on testing results, the project will establish a steady system for recognition of competences at least among the participating countries.
Units of learning outcomes
The ICARE partners have developed a common matrix of competences. The matrix describes learning outcomes distinguishing knowledge, skills and competences; but avoids uncoupling work tasks and global competences with cross-dispositions (attitudes). The essential cross-disposition (attitude) should be included in the learning outcome’s description itself. The ICARE matrix also elaborates different levels of learning outcome whenever they help to describe a professional profile.
The importance of ‘attitudes’ in care professions lead to the question how these attitudes can be assessed. The project decided that attitudes should not be assessed as such but again should be connected to daily actions and real situations. For instance, a care worker should understand the patients’ situation and should be able to perform the necessary actions respecting the specific physical and psychological conditions of the patient. In other words, while for the matrix, the different competences that belong to a specific work task have been analysed and distinguished, the assessment tasks synthesises them again to complete work tasks in ‘almost real’ situations. Consequently, the assessment takes place through a practical test related to these almost real situations. A short written test is also foreseen.
ECVET Points
A suitable methodology for assigning and applying ECVET points to the selected vocational qualifications will be developed and applied.
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
The project established a stable consortium among partner institutions and defined a joint work program for the application of the learning outcomes transfer model.
A Memorandum of Understanding will define the terms upon which the recognition of units of learning outcomes will be regulated between the partners (for a specified period of time).
The consortium is designed to ensure broad representation and to ensure quality, dissemination and self sustainability of outputs. In particular, the consortium is characterized by the presence of the main and potential stakeholders (public and private) relevant for the project results. Potential intermediary and final users of the products at transnational level are also represented.
Lead Partner:
Fondazione Cefass – Centro Europeo di formazione per gli affari sociali e la la sanita pubblica (IT)
National partners:
- Fondazione Ikaros, IT
- Federsolidarieta confcooperative, IT
- Associazione Nationale Oltre le Frontiere CISL, IT
International partners:
- Fundacja Sic! Centrum Innowacji Spolecznej, PL
- TILS Romania SRL, RO
- Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham, DE
- Consiliul National de Formare profesionala a adultilor, RO
The international partners will develop a suitable learning outcome transfer process among partner countries including evaluation, validation, accumulation and recognition of learning outcomes for the purpose of awarding qualifications, whatever the learning context (formal, non-formal and informal).
Lead organisation contact details
Francesca PASQUINI
Via Copernico, 42,
MILANO 20125, IT
Phone: ++390267100600
Fax: ++390266982686
Final Project Report
Consult article on the projects' first results and lessons learned in the 13th issue of the ECVET magazine
MoU template (Draft) - Job services / VET-provider
MoU template (Draft) - VET provider / VET - provider
Correspondence Matrix for assessment - Care Operator
Assessment Matrix Care Operator
Matrix of Competences Care Operator
ICARE - Reflections on Memorandum of Understanding
I CARE Project Newsletter 4
Consult article on the projects' approach in the 7th issue of the ECVET magazine
I CARE Project Newsletter 2
I CARE Project Newsletter 1
I CARE Project Newsletter 3
Consult the ICARE presentation on the projects' approach to the design of units of learning outcomes as made during the 8th pilot projects seminar in September 2011