24 months
General approach/description of the project
The conversion of all national VET qualifications into the ECVET system is part of the establishment of the Malta Qualifications Framework. Training institutions often do not have enough understanding or background knowledge to be able to convert and align their courses on their own. This is one of the obstacles which need to be overcome to ensure the successful implementation of ECVET.
This project thus aims to convert 30 VET qualifications/courses from a number of VET institutions and use them to develop and pilot a methodological tool for the conversion of ordinary qualifications to ones described in terms of ECVET in a pilot phase. As a second step, a guiding manual will be developed, based on the experience of the conversion process. This manual targets VET institutions and is envisaged as a guide for the conversion process of their VET qualifications according to the standards specified for ECVET.
In terms of impact, this project will have a multiplier effect. Not only will it ensure the conversion of the 30 qualifications/courses involved in the project, but the main output will include the development of a manual for the conversion methodology (ECVET Conversion Manual) which can then be used for the conversion of other courses by other VET training institutions, nationally as well as at European level.
Target group
Students in different qualifications from initial and continuing Vocational Education and Training (MQF level 1-5), full VET qualifications and short courses in various sectors (Engineering, Art and Design, Agribusiness, Tourism, Basic Skills and Trade training, ICT, Business and Commerce, and Community Services).
The following activities are foreseen:
- Two conferences (kick-off conference and final conference)
- A project website and logo: http://www.ecvetmalta.org.mt
- A manual for schools and VET-teachers, providing background knowledge, guidelines and flowcharts;
- Checklists to use as supporting tools in converting their courses into ECVET system according to the specifications for ECVET.
The final conference of the project is planned for January 2013.
Transfer And Accumulation
Facilitation of a credit and accumulation system across all levels of education (Formalising achieved learning outcomes, progressing or upgrading a qualification, changing the pathway and qualification within the same qualification system, changing the pathway and qualification from one system to another).
Units of learning outcomes
Malta launched the Maltese Qualifications Framework which is based on the EQF in 2007. The MQF is characterised by eight levels of qualifications; level one being the first level qualification and level eight being the highest level of qualification. The first referencing report has been presented in 2009; a first update of the report has been presented in 2010. As part of the implementation of the MQF regulations about the description of learning outcomes were defined too.
Malta decided that learning outcomes are based on knowledge, skills and competences. Qualifications in VET are based on occupational profiles / job profiles. The project conducted an analysis of 30 professional profiles using a template for the project VET CCS and another template for the allocation to the MQF. Both templates will be combined in the future, so that all other qualification which are not analysed yet can be allocated to a specific MQF level. The analysis showed that usually a unit of learning outcomes consists of about 5-6 learning outcomes in a unit. The units of learning outcomes are grouped more or less around the ‘subjects’ a qualification consisted of before the reform. The description of learning outcomes is combined with assessment criteria.
ECVET Points
ECVET Points are to be allocated on the basis of 1 credit=25 hours of total learning. The time allocated to contact hours, self-study, hands-on training and assessment for each 25 hours of total learning is being kept flexible, for the fact that vocational education and training incorporates a vast range of fields and areas of study each having its own teaching and learning requirements.
Consolidation of partnerships in formal agreements
The partners aim at a sustainable long-term cooperation.
Lead Partner/Coordinator:
Kunsill Malti Ghall-Kwalifiki (Malta Qualifications Council), MT
European Partners:
- Universita degli Studi di Firenze-Dipertimento di Scienze dell ‘Educazione e dei Processi Cultura e Formativi (IT)
- Centrul National de Dezvoltare a Invatamantului Profesional si Tehnic, (RO)
- Center Republike Slovenije za Poklicno Izobrazevanje (SL)
- Clear Dimension ltd, (MT)
- Institute of Tourism Studies, (MT)
- Employment and Training Corporation (MT)
- Korporazzjoni Tax-Xoghol u Tahrig, (MT)
- Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology, (MT)
The national partners take the role as project managers and coordinators. They cover all the public VET providers/stakeholders in Malta. However, amongst the local partners there is one private VET provider which was chosen particularly to represent and address the particular needs of the private sector. The private VET provider engaged within this project has in fact the responsibility to inform external private VET providers/stakeholders in Malta on this ECVET initiative through an informative and a dissemination seminar that this partner is to organize. The European partners provide support and expertise and are expected to give feedback to the content of the deliverables, in particular, contributing to the Manual. They will also be responsible to promote Malta’s initiative in their respective country/region through their website.
Lead organisation contact details
Joachim James Calleja
Malta Qualifications Council
16/18 Tower Promenade
St.Lucia SLC 1019, MT
Phone: ++35627540051
Fax: ++35621808758
Maria Tanti
National Commission for Further and Higher Education(NCFHE)
Casa Leoni, 476,
St. Joseph High Road,
Santa Venera, SVR1012, MT
Phone: +35623810124
Final Project Report
Project Report
ECVET Conversion Manual
Consult article on the projects' first results and lessons learned in the 13th issue of the ECVET magazine
Consult article on the projects' first results and lessons learned in the 13th issue of the ECVET magazine
Report 2: Strengths and Weakness regarding VET Qualifications for Conversion into ECVET System (Of the current 30 selected VET qualifications/courses)
Report 1: Presentation of VET Qualifications for Conversion into ECVET System - The current profile of the 30 selected VET qualifications/courses
Project presentation on assessment as held at Rome seminar 26 April 2012
Info Brochure on ECVET in Malta
Info Brochure on ECVET
Introduction to the ECVET project (November 2011)
Consult the VET Credit Conversion systems presentation on the Maltese VET reform and the projects' approach to the design of units of learning outcomes as made during the 8th pilot projects seminar in September 2011