Website archived May 2024
Other Projects > National
General InformationECVET Technical SpecificationsPartnership
first phase 2004-2005, second phase 2006-2007, third phase begins in 2009
The Finnish qualifications system in VET is already based on units of learning outcomes and uses credit points to measure the volume of qualifications and their components. It is already possible for learners to get recognition for learning outcomes achieved through working experience, non-formal or informal learning or in another field of study, thanks to the unit-based structure of qualifications. The Finnish qualifications distinguish between three types of units: vocational units (some of these are compulsory, others are optional within a pre-defined range and some are decided by the VET provider); core units (these are common to all VET qualifications and concern key competences) and free-choice units (individual's choice).
The FINECVET initiative is mainly concerned with enhancing the possibilities for learners to transfer credit they have achieved in other countries. Finland puts important emphasis on strengthening the international dimension of its vocational education and training.
Features particularly relevant to ECVET
An interesting element of the Finnish initiative is that it aims to recognise credit from abroad where is not necessarily identical to what the learner would have achieved had s/he stayed in the home institution. In other words, the mobility should enable learners to achieve knowldge, skills and competence that they couldn't achieve at home (added value) and these should be recognised.
Leading organisation
Finnish National Board of Education
Six Finnish VET providers, together with foreign partners, have been chosen as coordinators to pilot the ECVET–model on one or up to three vocational qualifications. In addition, the coordinators work in cooperation with some of the Finnish vocational institutions in their field. The foreign partner institutions are from Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Northern-Ireland, Scotland, Slovenia and Sweden.